The Remembrance Journey

Remember Who You Truly Are.
Remember Why You Are Here.


The Remembrance Journey

Remember Who You Truly Are.
Remember Why You Are Here.

The Time is Now

It is time to remember who you truly are and
why you chose to be on the planet right now.

Have you always known?

Known deep within your heart that you are here to serve a massive purpose?

Have you always felt your connection to the Universe? Known that you are guided and supported?

Have you known that the way we experience life on the planet right now is just a fraction of what is possible, and the fear we live with is misplaced? Have you known that love is an answer?

Have you experienced moments of deep connection to yourself, to others and to all of life, and wondered what it would feel like to live with this connection everyday?

Have you been deeply seeking clarity on who you are and what purpose you are here to fulfill?

Have you always had the feeling that you were born to light up the world?

You were born to light up the world.

You are not alone.

The time you have been waiting for is now.

The Remembrance Journey is an immersive online journey designed to help you remember who you truly are, and remember the purpose you are here to fulfill.

Experience what it would feel like:

Here is a short guided meditation intentionalised to give you an experience of what it feels like to remember.

This IS for you if:

  • You have a massive desire to serve and have been waiting for what seems like your entire life to take action on it.

  • You are driven by unconditional love and reverence for all of life.

  • You are here to stand for and create a New Earth where everyone can thrive.

  • You have experienced the magic of miracles and want to say YES to experiencing miracles everyday.

  • You are ready to invest time, energy, and money to live your most aligned life.

  • You are ready to do what it takes to show up and take massive action in the world.

  • You are deeply in love with and in awe of life.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You are not ready to take complete ownership of your life but want to continue living the victim story.

  • You are not ready to say YES to being in service to all of life.

  • You don’t believe that life is an absolute miracle, and there is much more to it than meets the eye.

  • You are not open to experiencing life in a new way, from a place of deep surrender to unseen magic.

  • You are not ready to make the changes necessary in your life in order to truly step into alignment with your soul.

  • You are looking for a quick fix and are not willing to do the work.

  • You are not willing to invest time, energy, and money to grow into the highest version of yourself.

Imagine what it would feel like to:

  • Remember who you truly are and why you are here.

  • Be deeply connected to all of life.

  • Know that you are always guided and supported.

  • Love yourself deeply and unconditionally.

  • Live authentically with courage, guided by your wise heart.

  • Design and create a life that is in deep integrity with your soul.

  • Have crystal clear clarity on your soul’s impact path.

Imagine what it would feel like to remember who you truly are, and why you chose to be on the planet right now.

The Time is Now

There are no coincidences. If you are here reading this, and feeling this deeply, then you were meant to be here. This is the moment you have been waiting for.

Now more than ever before is the time for you to remember, and to powerfully step into the impact you were born to create.

It’s an unprecedented time on the planet, a time for the dissolution of old systems and patterns, a time for the New Earth we have all been waiting for, to surface.

We need you to remember, to step up, to show up, and to light the way for millions of others, so we can all experience a world where all of life can thrive.

The Time is Now.

 My Story

Chandni Sawlani
Founder & Coach
Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner
Certified Tiny Habits® Coach


New Earth Business Coach | Healer | Compassion Ambassador

Ever since I was a little girl I knew that I was here to wake people up - to stir people’s hearts and hold space for them to remember who they truly are. At eleven, I started journaling about an organisation I would run to help people wake up to unconditional love and step into alignment with their highest selves.

At twenty eight, I was done playing small and not living in alignment with the truth that I held within me. In my own way I went into deep prayer asking the Universe to show me the way... And then miracles started happening. I had one opportunity after the other presented to me and each time I said YES to life. With every YES, life unfolded beautifully bringing into my experience physical manifestations of the visions I’d seen since I was a little girl.

Ever since then, there has been no turning back.

I am now more deeply and consistently connected to the Universe than I have ever been. Divine guidance pours through my life every single day, and I witness how deeply held and supported we ALL are by life. I now work with a team of visionaries coaching soul-led entrepreneurs who are here to create a New Earth through their businesses. I am finally at rest, knowing that I am on my highest path and that life is unfolding perfectly with grace.

This is possible for all of us. We just need to remember, and to surrender.

Through Moonlight Accelerators I am here to hold space for soul-led youth leaders to step into alignment with who they truly are and take action to create their soul’s unique impact in the world.

If you felt a deep remembrance in your heart as you read this, I’d love to hear from you.

With love always,

Read about my remembrance journey here.

“The only relevant question is whether you will let it be possible for you.”

— Gay Hendricks

Program Details

The Remembrance Journey is a 9 day immersive live online experience designed to take you on a deep journey of remembrance, and reconnection to yourself and to all of life.

Program Touch Points

Opening Connection Circle

The Remembrance Journey is facilitated as a group experience. We will kickstart the experience with an opening circle for you to connect to all the beautiful souls going on this journey with you, and feel held and supported in your experience.

Recorded Activation Meditations

Each day, you will receive guided activation meditations to start and end your day with, designed to reconnect you to yourself and to all of life.

Daily Reconnection Activities

Each day you will be invited to complete an activity in your own time and space, designed to reconnect you deeply to yourself and to all of life. You will be guided through a recorded audio piece that you listen to whilst doing this activity.

Live Activation Meditation Experiences

On Day 2, and Day 7, you will experience a heart activation meditation facilitated live by Stephen Roy Parker (founder of HeartGrid) designed to activate deep remembrance of your connection to life, and of your purpose.

Live Story Session with Soul Led Visionary

On Day 6, we will have a live story session with visionary soul led entrepreneur David Bullón (founder of Micelio) to awaken your mind to what is possible when you commit to surrendering to your soul’s path of highest impact. 

Supportive Sharing Space

Throughout the journey, you will be connected to the group through Telegram. This will be a space to share your experience, and witness and celebrate others as you collectively dive deep into remembrance of who you truly are.

Closing Celebration Circle

We’ll celebrate the completion of this journey (and start of a powerful new one) with a beautiful closing circle with the group.

“Everyone has the perfect gift to give the world - and if each of us is freed up to give our unique gift, the world will be in total harmony.”

— R. Buckminster Fuller

Our Method

Talk to the Universe with Ease.

ThetaHealing® is a world-renowned energy healing modality that connects you to the intelligence of life itself. Using this powerful method, we enable you to access guidance from the Universe, unlock limiting beliefs, heal yourself, and find the freedom and clarity you need to do your greatest work.

 Some Love


"Chandni has a unique and powerful style of being a non-judgemental and outcome-oriented co-traveller in the journey of young leaders. Working with her enabled me to be honest about my inhibitions and know how to break past them to create the path to my desired future."

Malini Srikrishna
Masters Student at Harvard Divinity School - USA

"There is something wonderfully powerful about Chandni’s guidance. Not only is she inspiring, but she’s also extremely remarkable at unleashing the best capabilities in a person while helping you stand on your own feet."

Dana Jose
Masters Student at University of Rostock - Germany

"Chandni never preached me, rather she brought up the subtle changes that could help me be the better version of myself. The learnings built over time without me trying to change anything. I gradually evolved into a new being."

Leslin Sheeja
Digital Storyteller at Rang De - India

The Time is Now

The Remembrance Journey is an immersive online journey designed to help you remember who you truly are, and why you are here.

If you are ready to say YES to stepping into alignment with your soul’s path and purpose, then join us to remember.

Next experience starting on
12th February 2022

Have questions? Schedule a call with us.
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