The Loving Money Workshop

Find freedom in your relationship with money and leap into a life of bliss, integrity, and service.

Let’s admit it, money makes the world go around. But unlike gravity, the rules of money are not immutable. The money systems we have in place are based on a set of shared beliefs, absorbed unconsciously, and integrated without question. A set of beliefs that are now calling for an upgrade.

Loving Money is a 5-day program designed for you to examine your money story and create a powerful, new, conscious, and loving relationship with money. A relationship where you are conscious in your beliefs about money, clear on the money results you wish to receive, free from any limiting ideas that spin you around, and where you recognize money as a tool of love, integrity, and service.

A FREE 5-day LIVE workshop designed especially for young game changers.

 Results You Can Expect

  • Freedom in your relationship with money.

  • The ability to receive money with ease and grace.

  • Money unlocked as a tool of love, integrity, and service.

  • Freedom to pursue a heart-aligned path.

  • Activated connection to the wisdom of your heart.


 Who This Workshop Is For

Aspiring game changers who feel a yearning to catapult out of the unconscious chase and live a life of bliss, integrity, and service.

The Time Is Now

  • Examine your unconscious money story.

  • Define your unique money goals with clarity.

  • Open your heart to receive financial abundance.

  • Let go of self-sabotaging patterns that limit you.

  • Engage with money as a tool of love and integrity.

  • Participate as a change-maker with your money.

  • Dance to the beat of freedom with money.

  • Embrace the audacity of loving money.

 Workshop Details

  • 5 days of live Zoom sessions with option to watch recordings..

  • Personalized support and guidance through the journey.

  • Powerful behavior upgrades and reflection tasks.

  • Soulful guided meditations to accelerate integration.

  • The Loving Money Workbook.

 My Story

Chandni Sawlani Founder & Coach Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner  Certified Tiny Habits® Coach

Chandni Sawlani
Founder & Coach
Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner
Certified Tiny Habits® Coach

Social Entrepreneur | Kindness Ambassador | Healer | Habit Coach

Born in 1992 to beautiful and loving parents, I had the best childhood one could hope for. Growing up in the city of Lagos, in Nigeria, I experienced a world where I was thriving, but all around me people were struggling to survive. The deeper questions came early, and unsatisfied with the answers I received, I’d find myself in deep contemplation, feeling the presence of this massive wisdom at the fringes of my awareness - an intelligence that I knew held the answers.

Ever since I was eleven, I had visions of the work I was put on this planet to do - of holding space in beautiful and powerful ways for people to reconnect deeply with life, and remember who they truly are. Unaware of how to craft a career in alignment with this vision, I started out on the path that came closest - social entrepreneurship.

In 2013, I co-founded The Goodwill Tribe, a social initiative that exists to inspire compassion and human connection. In a few short years, this initiative organically grew into a movement of volunteers in 14 cities across 7 countries. Our community events were a powerful illustration of how beautifully we could function as a collective, when we are centered in compassion and empathy for each other.

In 2014, I worked with The Sameness Project, a Dubai based radically creative enterprise that hosted social experiments to erase the lines that separate us, and remind us of our shared humanity. In 2015, I joined the team at Injoy Giving, another Dubai based social enterprise that was working with businesses to bring generosity, kindness, and joy to their marketing and customer engagement strategies.

In 2018, I joined the team at Rang De, one of India’s leading social enterprises, working to make low-cost credit available to marginalized communities across India. This experience was a thorough grounding into the realities on our planet, and what it’s going to take to create a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world that works for all of life.

Some of the questions that stayed with me through this journey are - How can I be the perfect instrument? What is my path of highest service? How can I leverage my gifts to create the most potent and relevant impact?

2020 brought some breakthrough answers. I learned how to deeply connect with the wisdom and intelligence I had witnessed fleetingly as a child. I learned to listen with stillness as guidance poured through my life. I learned to get out of my own way and make myself available as an instrument of life itself. I allowed, I surrendered, and life began to unfold in powerful and magical ways. From this space of surrender, Moonlight Accelerators was born.

I am here to hold space for you to lean into the truth of who you are, and align to your path of highest impact.

 Some Love


"Chandni has a unique and powerful style of being a non-judgemental and outcome-oriented co-traveller in the journey of young leaders. Working with her enabled me to be honest about my inhibitions and know how to break past them to create the path to my desired future."

Malini Srikrishna
Masters Student at Harvard Divinity School - USA


"There is something wonderfully powerful about Chandni’s guidance. Not only is she inspiring, but she’s also extremely remarkable at unleashing the best capabilities in a person while helping you stand on your own feet."

Dana Jose
Masters Student at University of Rostock - Germany


"Chandni never preached me, rather she brought up the subtle changes that could help me be the better version of myself. The learnings built over time without me trying to change anything. I gradually evolved into a new being."

Leslin Sheeja
Digital Storyteller at Rang De - India

 Take a Leap

Loving Money is a FREE 5-day live workshop designed to help you get radical in your relationship with money. If you are ready to shake things up, register now.

Have questions? Schedule a call with us.
Book a Call