Listen. Trust. Act.

As I type this out, I am sitting at my desk at home in San José, Costa Rica. From the room next door, I can hear the sweet sound of David’s voice. Lovito, our dog, is probably soaking in some sunshine in the garden. This feels like a completely ordinary day, however, as I take this moment to reflect, I recognise how extraordinary it is.

A year and a half ago, I was living in Pune, India. I’d just come out of one of the most challenging phases of my life, and was preparing to visit Costa Rica following an inner knowing that a magical life awaited me there.

Turns out, this is true. 

David is my life partner. I now live with him in a beautiful home in San José, Costa Rica. Lovito is our dearest little dog and first child! We have a simple, soulful life together, inspired largely by a sincere shared quest to deepen in consciousness. We are founding members of a movement focussed on enabling entrepreneurship rooted in love, and we work on other ventures to bring deeper layers of consciousness to leaders and organizations.

On a visit to one of Costa Rica’s national parks (Feb 2022).

With that said, I’m going to back track and share a little about how this magical reality came together.

First, I’ll rewind all the way back to April 2021. 

It was a distressing day. I’d had a very hard time coming out of my previous relationship. And on that day, I was particularly tired of feeling overwhelmed and stuck. I reached out to a mentor and asked for help. She asked me two simple questions - “Do you know what you want, Chandni? And have you owned it?”

I sat down with myself that afternoon and asked myself what I really wanted in a life partner. I listened deeply to my inner voice and let the words flow through me. Soon, I had a description of the life partner that deep down inside I knew was here for me. As I read what I had written down, I thought to myself that the description sounded a lot like David. The moment I had that thought, I received a message on my phone from David. The Universe works in magical ways!

David and I had connected a couple of months earlier through a course we were doing on a form of meditation and healing. He seemed like a wonderful person, but that was all there was to it. I now began to pay more attention to him.

For the rest of the year we continued to engage through the context of the courses we were doing together. With every conversation, it became clearer and clearer that he and I shared a very similar intention and purpose for our lives. While the inner knowing around him being my life partner got louder, it didn’t feel like the right time to express this. And so I waited, albeit impatiently, for a sign, a way of knowing that it was time to lean into this. 

In December 2021, I received the nudge I’d been waiting for. In a meditation one morning, I felt that it was time to take the leap; and the way forward was to visit him in his part of the world - Costa Rica - to just show up and see what happened. And so this is what I did.

David and I had a friendship blooming and a clear sense that we were meant to collaborate around our purposes. This was enough context for me to share my intention to visit Costa Rica and he was happy to receive me. 

My family and friends thought I was crazy. Flying all the way to the other side of the world based on an intuitive knowing that this apparent stranger was my life partner. But then again, those closest to me know that I won't ignore my inner voice. And so, with their hesitant blessings, in February 2022, off I went.

I landed here after a 30 hour long flight, and he picked me up at the airport. We drove to his home, chatting peacefully along the way. After having spent just an hour and a half with him, I remember thinking to myself - I could do this forever :)

The next day we left to spend time at a beautiful retreat center in the mountains called La Montaña Azul. Ever since I’d heard about this place, I’d had a strong feeling that it would be an important part of my life’s purpose. I was super excited to visit. Our plan was to spend a week there, attending a retreat on QiGong and Tai Chi Chuan, and then spend some time with the leaders learning more about their vision for the future of La Montaña Azul.

Spending time with the leaders of La Montaña Azul who are dear friends now (Feb 2022).

Many powerful things emerged during my time there, but first, let me continue to share how this love story unfolded.

It was so beautiful to be with David. Even though we were meeting for the first time, there was such a sense of ease between us. Time dissolved when we were together and I could sense that he felt the magic of our connection too. By day three, I felt it was time to share the real inspiration behind my trip to Costa Rica.

And so that night, as we sat outside his tent, I, with a fluttering heart, began to share with him about the connection I felt we had. He looked me in the eyes, and said with a very straight face, “Yes, I think we could be life partners.” I nearly fell off my chair! I know I had come all the way from India with a knowing that this was true, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this would be his response.

And so we decided to dive right in and prototype what it would be like to be life partners. 18 months later, it is safe to say that the prototype has been super successful :)

In parallel, another important piece of my life was blooming. I felt a deep sense of connection to La Montaña Azul and the people I was meeting there, in a way that I hadn’t ever experienced before. As I listened to one of the leaders share the evolving vision for this space, I was moved to tears. This was the same vision I’d been connected to since I was a little girl - of this center in the mountains committed to bringing deeper layers of consciousness to the planet. I knew deeply then that I’d finally found the path to fulfilling my life’s purpose. In that moment I chose Costa Rica, and moved here four and a half months later.

La Montaña Azul - a center for the awakening of consciousness (Feb 2022).

My time here has been magical to say the least. Yes of course, there have been moments of missing my loved ones and the beautiful chaos of India, and moments of feeling lost in this new country and in my new life. However, largely, I have never felt as much peace and tranquility as I do now. 

During my first trip to Costa Rica, my conversations with David planted the seed of an idea in our minds. We began dreaming about a venture that would reconnect entrepreneurs with their inner wisdom and reimagine the future of organisations. This seed began to sprout, and is now taking the form of a movement for heart centered entrepreneurship called re.source.

As I look back, it is clear to see that the life I have known is possible, is now here. I live in one of the most beautiful countries on the planet. I have a blooming life partnership that is rooted in peace, love and joy. I have found home in friendships with inspiring people sincerely committed to deepening in consciousness. I have received opportunities to serve where my contribution is simply showing up and being who I am

All of this is so real now, that it is hard to believe that just a year go this all felt like a dream. As I trace my journey to understand what enabled this magical unfolding in my life, I see that what I consistently did was follow my inner voice - I listened, I trusted, and I acted.

I believe more deeply than ever before that a life that feels so aligned, so in flow, is possible for all of us. What this looks like is different for each of us, as is the path to get there. However, inside us, we already know the way. 

I believe that through our hearts we are connected to deeper layers of who we truly are. If we can tune in and deeply listen, the wisdom required to navigate our lives towards its full potential is already within us.

I share my story with you as an invitation - to listen to your inner knowing, to trust it and act on it, believing that the life you seek, is waiting for you.

To support you on your journey, I’ve created a toolkit of guided meditations and activities to connect you to the wisdom and knowing within. Click on this link to learn more and gift this toolkit to yourself.


My Remembrance Journey